Mentally Healthy Student Program
Counseling and Tutoring rolled into one
At Sequoia Teen Counseling, we know that students excel academically when they feel strong emotionally. Personal, social, or global stressors as well as mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, or OCD, can make it harder for students to feel and do their best.
Our innovative Mentally Healthy Student Program is designed for middle school and high school students to receive wraparound counseling/coaching in the same session, from the same coach. Students obtain evidence-based therapy alongside academic or executive functioning coaching in one convenient package.
What does the Mentally Healthy program include?
The program is a unique combination of academic and mental health coaching, focusing on the following:
Development of strong Executive Function skills
Evidence-based therapy techniques to address unique challenges
Tailored academic and mental health coaching from a Licensed Mental Health practitioner and experienced academic coach
Who can benefit from the Mentally Healthy program?
Almost every student can benefit from this program, although the students who will see the greatest benefit are the following:
students with co-occurring learning disabilities and mental health struggles (including twice-exceptional students).
students whose executive functioning limitations lead to both educational challenges and low self-esteem.
families who find that their student’s academic stressors are a major source of familial conflict.
students whose high levels of anxiety or OCD interfere with their school work and vice versa.